Markets & Elections 2020 - Which political party impacts the markets more? Democrats? Republicans?
Markets & Elections 2020 - Which political party impacts the markets more? Democrats? Republicans?
Transcript (2:02)
Welcome to the Prosperity Blogcast. Where we have just One Goal to Help You Live a Life of Prosperity. Here now is your host
Hi and Welcome to the Prosperity Blogcast. Today I'm going to talk to you about how to invest with confidence in an election year. November 3rd will mark the 22nd election cycle since 1936 and with those previous 21 election cycles, we've learned a few things.
One, U.S. stocks have risen regardless of who's in the White House;
Two, the primary season seems to be somewhat volatile but markets bounce back typically with a vengeance. So what does that present - some buying opportunities in the market.
Three, investors get nervous. They want to move to cash; They want to move to the sidelines; They call us all the time – “I want to sit, I want to sit, I want to… however…
Number Four, staying on the sidelines has rarely paid off. It's time invested, not timing that matters most.
I'll leave you with this example, In 1936 when FDR became president, had you invested a thousand dollars in the S&P Fund, it would be worth over 14 million dollars today.
So if you have additional questions about election years, feel free to call us - We have some pieces that we can share with you. Remember to like us & follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn - Until next time, we'll talk to you then - Thanks
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