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Solutions Developed to Meet Your Needs 

Empowering You to Make Smart Financial Decisions

For over 25 years, we’ve developed plans based on our client’s distinct goals and circumstances. From addressing your retirement goals and asset preservation strategies to creating a legacy for future generations to enjoy, we’ll collaborate with you to find the solution that works best for you and your unique circumstances.

As a team, we have the knowledge and experience needed to fully assist with every aspect of your financial life. Let us focus on the complexities of your finances, so you can get back to enjoying the moment you’re in. 

Our Services Include

(click each box to learn more)

Sound Like a Good Fit?

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What It Costs

As a client, you get to choose how you want to work with us. We provide hourly rates, project-based fees and investment management services. Our initial conversation is free of charge and designed to help us both determine if our services are appropriate for you.

Ongoing Financial Planning:

Price is dependent on the complexity of your needs; minimum fee is $3,500.*

One-Time Plan or Projects:

$285/hour (With An Advisor)

$85/hour (With An Administrative)

Investment Management:

Our standard fees are based on total assets under management and may be customized to meet your unique circumstances.

Account Value

Annual Fee**

$5 Million +


$2 Million to $4,999,999


$1 Million to $1,999,999


$500,000 to $999,999


$150,000 to $499,999


$50,000 to $149,999 


*Financial planning fees may be negotiated based on complexity of work.

**Minimum fee is $850/year ($70.83/month). Fees negotiable based on services provided. Smaller accounts by exception.  

Have Questions About Our Pricing?

Contact Us to Learn More