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Last-Minute Tax Prep Tips Thumbnail

Last-Minute Tax Prep Tips

With Tax Day right around the corner on April 15, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Even if you’re short on time, you can still file your taxes accurately and on time with focus and preparation. These last-minute tips will help you navigate the process efficiently and avoid unnecessary stress.

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The Benefit of Roth IRAs for Kids Thumbnail

The Benefit of Roth IRAs for Kids

If your child has earned income, they can get started on their retirement savings. When you open a Roth IRA for a minor, you're giving more than just an investment account; you're offering an opportunity to learn about important concepts that could provide a lifetime of financial benefits.

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Celebrating 30 Years Thumbnail

Celebrating 30 Years

As we step into 2025, I am thrilled to celebrate our 30th anniversary in the financial planning and investment business. When I started in 1995 at the age of 23, I never envisioned a 30-year career. Back then, I was worried about making it to next month, juggling both my own financial needs, as well as my clients. The future of Herr Capital Management is bright. We are committed to staying at the forefront of financial planning and investment strategies, continually adapting to the evolving financial landscape, and I am excited to continue this journey with you. With your continued support, we are confident Herr Capital Management will thrive, helping you and your family achieve financial success for generations to come.

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