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What to Know About Inheriting Retirement Savings Accounts Thumbnail

What to Know About Inheriting Retirement Savings Accounts

The SECURE Act of 2019 dramatically changed the rules governing the inheritance of IRA and retirement plan assets. Retirement savings account owners and their loved ones should understand these complicated rules. Depending on a number of different factors, inheriting retirement plan assets could have a significant impact on a beneficiary's tax obligation.

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How to Test-Run Your Retirement This Summer Thumbnail

How to Test-Run Your Retirement This Summer

Summer often brings images of relaxation, beach trips, and lazy days. For those nearing retirement, it can also be the perfect time to test-run what their retirement might look like. It's an opportunity to dip your toes into the waters of post-career life (literally), ensuring you're ready to embrace this new chapter when the time comes. We include ways to test things like your retirement budget, activities, and schedule.

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